Room 237 - The Sprouts

Room 237 is the youngest of our toddler classrooms. It is where children get to learn about themselves, build strong relationships with their teachers and get to know their peers. We work to meet their needs and not our schedule. We work to find the routines that work best for the children we have with us in an environment of respect and trusting relationships.

Sample Schedule

8:00- 8:30: Breakfast Snack

8:40- 9:10: Playground Time (Lower)

9:10- 9:40: Playground Time (Upper)

9:40- 10:50: Diapers and Free Play

10:50- 11:30: Wash Hands and Lunch

11:30- 2:00: Nap Time / Quiet Time (At 1:30 children who are awake can find quiet off mat activities with teachers or be diapered)

2:00- 2:55: Afternoon Snack Time Outside and Playground Time (Lower)

2:55- 3:15: Playground Time (Upper)

3:15- 4:30: Diapers and Free Play / Curriculum

4:30- 5:00: Children are going home, Freeplay, Closing Duties